How Better Headlines can Increase your Site’s Traffic

Do you want to get more traffic? Of-course you want higher traffic. What If I tell you that your article’s headline has some problems and you can increase your traffic by changing them? Yes, Headlines are very important part of article.

Whenever we share article on social media, 8 out of 10 Peoples will read your headline but only 2 out of 10 will read whole article on an average. You can increase this number for your site if you want to by improving Headline of your article.

There are some techniques I am going to explain you by which you can improve the quality and standard of your headline. Before that, Let me show you some headlines on which, almost 80% peoples will click.

Attractive headline

So, don’t you think this headline has much potential to attract you to click on that. You will find such headlines in viral sites and entertainment sites. They know very well that how to create very attractive headline. By this way, they get highest CTR.

So, To make it more attractive and clickable, you have to make it such that it should create curiosity in the reader’s mind. As 8 out of 10 people read headline, You will get 7 out of 10 clicks by using such curiosity generating headlines.

It is also a great choice to use numbers in headline because number generates a Buzz in reader mind. You will get more clicks and attention if you will use numbers in headline. Here is the chart for that,

Chart for Interesting headlines

As you can see, having number in headline gets highest attention of others. As it is used in the above given headline, you can get clear idea about that. Let me give you example of them.

  1. Number: 10 facts you should know about facebook
  2. Reader Addressing: How you can generate 100,000 visitors per month on your blog
  3. How to: How to make backlinks for niche blogs
  4. Normal: How google is updating their algorithms to fight spam
  5. Question: Is it worthwhile to do guest posts now a days?

As you can see in order, First headline is more attractive then second then third and so on. You can get huge difference in traffic by applying this to your blog.

Type of headline also affect number of social media shares. The image given below proves that.

Headlines vs social media shares


As you can see the first headline. It has more then 10000 tweets which can generate lots of traffic to your site. Not only tweets but there are 863 facebook shares, 1379 LinkedIn shares and around 709 social shares.

These number are huge and by writing proper amount of content and selecting the best headline for article.

Wrapping it up: As I show you, there are some headlines made by owners and writers of entertainment sites or viral sites that can get get more then 70% CTR. If you will use numbers in headline and will write it in a way by which you can generate curiosity in user’s mind, You will see huge change in traffic. If you have any question, you can comment it below, We will help you to solve.

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