Unconventional Data Scientist Markets in 2022

Data science is a very important domain for businesses to succeed in the highly competitive software and cloud computing industry. In the last 5 years, there has been a grand evolution in the development and engineering side of the product management cycle, largely brought upon by the adoption of big data, business analytics, AI, and machine learning. The impact these have left on the whole world can be determined from the way the economy has bounced back to normalcy within 6-7 months of lockdown in 2020, and then to 200% growth within a year of lockdown in 2021, during the Covid pandemic. It shows how agile and responsive the global businesses have become in their reaction to any challenge, and this is attributed to the rise of data science projects. If you are looking to become a regional leader in the business roles for your current organization or planning to switch to a new role as a promotion to a new industry line, you should eye a certification from a data scientist course in Bangalore.

Here are five unconventional but fast-rising data science domains that are hiring certified data analysts and data scientists from Bangalore.

Data Analytics for Political Science and Government Administration

The world has become a global village. What happens in one part of the world invariably affects the far corners of other regions. The presidential election results in the US, the economic sanctions on Russia due to its invasion of Ukraine, the technology trade war with China, and other geopolitical events pose stringent challenges not only to the businesses but also to the countries that have nothing to do with the places where events are reported from.

That’s why most countries are hiring talented data scientists with a background in international relations management, political science, administrative services, and political theory to take on decisive roles in government or non-government administrative institutions that could be assisting commercial and non-commercial organizations prepare effectively against tough times. In India, data science principles are collectively managed and integrated with the traditional political science curriculum by adding technologies such as chatbot analysis, social media listening, automated email blasts, SMS marketing, and website development for events.

Sports and News Broadcasting Data Analysis

The consumption of news and sports related content has more than quadrupled in the last 5 years, and the major upswing has occurred in the covid era where sports and news related entertainment have been happening through non-traditional media channels such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. With the rise of data science, advertisers also have understood the importance of shifting ad budgets to connected TV, Internet TV/ OTTs, podcasts, and live streaming platforms. Companies like Disney Hotstar, Meta’s Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Sony Liv have partnered with leading AI Machine learning courses to tap into the enriched talent pool of data scientists and big data engineers to develop newer ways of engaging audiences and maintaining ad sales revenues.

Influencer Marketing and Advertising

Data science has been used in marketing with great results so far. In fact, marketing ranks among the top 5 industries where data science and AI related applications are widely used to generate profits and to innovate processes with unmatched outcomes. In the same context, influencer marketing is a huge market for agencies and brands that rely on influencers to engage with consumers and prospects. Notable applications of data science such as NLP, text analysis, video analytics, content creation, blockchain, web 3.0, and NFTs are seen as the direct outcome of digital marketing trends shifting focus on user generated content or UGCs, the crux of any high value influencer marketing campaign. If you are looking to get into social media marketing and advertising and are required to boost influencer reach using data science, this is the best time to get an admission into a data scientist course in Bangalore. Finally, the telecom industry is where data science is widely used, but the results are yet to be acknowledged as game changing. A large part of using data science applications in telecom entails working with network providers and identifying user preferences and how their movement affects network connectivity over a period of time. Large sized telecom companies are heavily investing in AI and automation to improve IT infrastructure and data security as recent cases of ransomware and data breaches have cost these companies millions of dollars. With data scientists, companies in telecom can prevent such events from taking place using the cloud, AI, predictive intelligence, and cyber security platforms.

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