You will get :- Exam Tension Status , Exam Result Tension Status , Funny Exam Status, Exam Status in Hindi etc. more interesting Status for Whatsapp.
Update your whatsapp status with our collection of top exam result tension status and get blessings from your beloved ones.According to every student Exams are the most boring and again boring thing in their life. Due Exam Result Tension every student is taking hell lot of pressure in their small mind, which Is absolutely wrong. But on the other side Exams are necessary too, only Exam Result can define student’s hard work and abilities. Its time to show your frustration towards exams and exam result, so in this case you can show your whatsapp contacts that how you feel about your upcoming Exam Results.

WhatsApp is very useful app now a days ,because through this app we can show our feelings towards things happening in real life, by updating amazing statues on whatsapp. WebEnd team already published many more wonderful status for whatsapp which includes Wedding Anniversary Status, Ganpati Status, Cricket Status etc.

Today we have collected few best of best Exam Result Tension status for whatsapp update ,which you can easily copy and paste to your status. Just scroll down and get you are willing to get.
Exam Tension Status for Whatsapp
(1) Exam Is Over = OH YEAH
Result Comes = OH SHIT
(2) My Dad After Result: Itne Kam Marks Do Thappad Maarne Chahiye?
Me: Haan Papa Chalo Mein Saale Master Ka Ghar Bhi Dekha Hai
(3) Cousins Are Created So That Our Parents Can Compare Marks.
(4) Although I know Trust Can Get You Killed,
Love Can Leave You Hurt,
And Being Real Can Result In Hatred,
I Still Aim For All Three.
(5) Get One Bad Grade,
Drops Your GPA like the Freaking Economy.
(6) I wish Studying for an Exam was as Easy as Remembering Lyrics.
I`d pass Every Exam
(7) I’m the type of Person who want to get good Grades but doesn’t want to study.
Hope you will like these status messages and dp on Exam Results please share with your Friends at max.
Exam Finished status for whatsapp
The goal of a teacher is to replace a closed mind with an open mind.
52. Relationship with books is complicated.
53. If you are given a take-home exam, you will forget where you live.
54. The more study you did for the particular exam, the less sure you are as to which answer they want.
55. Pass Hogye… Nacho BC!
56. The exam is over = OH YEAH! Result comes = OH SHIT -_-
57. I wish studying for an exam was as easy as remembering lyrics. I`d pass every exam.
58. Get one bad grade, drops your GPA like the freaking Economy
59. There is creative reading as well as creative writing.
60. Every burned book enlightens the world.
Exam Result Tension Status
The only people who never fail are those who never try.
62. If you need an example of how to live you should not have been born.
63. I wish exams came with a 50/50 option.
64. Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems, I’m tired of solving them for you.
65. Nothing in the world is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.
66. What is the main reason for failure? I think its EXAMS. What do you think?
67. The only people who never fail are those who never try.
68. Life is like an exam I am determined to pass.
69. I am not failed. My success is just postponed.
70. If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget your book.
Exam Result status
Examinations – the only way to know something at least for a few days.
72. Failure is not an option — it comes bundled with Windows.
73. If you don’t succeed at first, hide all evidence that you tried.
74. When everything comes your way. Then you are on the wrong way.
75. I’m the type of person who wants to get good grades but doesn’t want to study.
76. Cousins are created so that our Parents can compare marks.
77. Although I know trust can get you killed, love can leave you hurt, and being real can result in hatred, I still aim for all three.
78. I had never passed a single school exam, and clearly, never would.
79. Science does not know its debt to imagination.
80. Self-trust is the first secret of success.
Exam Result Tension Status in Hindi for WhatsApp
1. EXAM भी कमल की होती हैं, साला जो चेप्टर छोड़ देते हैं वही EXAM में कम्पलसरी हो जाता हैं
2. कुछ भी करो भगवान इस बार PASS करा दो, NEXT टाइम माँ कसम पूरी जान लगा के पड़ूंगा
3. RESULT के बाद: न तलवारकी धारसे न गोलियोंकी बौछारसे, बंदा डरता हे तो सिर्फ अपने बाप की मार से.
4. देख भाई, अभी EXAM का TENSION बाद में तुझे FULL ATTENTION.
5. देख बेहेन: अभी EXAM का TENSION बाद में तुझे FULL ATTENTION.
6. कुछ भी नहीं लिखा बोल के एग्जाम में टॉप करने वालो जनता माफ़ नहीं करेगी.
7. माय मोटिवेशन: पढ़ना लिखना तो चलता ही रहे गा ऐश तो कर कोई कुछ नहीं कहे कहेगा
8. पढ़ना लिखना त्याग, नक़ल से रख आस, ओढ़ रजाई सो जा बेटा, रब करेगा पास
9. में ये सोचकर पेपर खली छोड़ आया हु की कही टीचर ये ना कहे की बड़ो को जवाब देता हे
10. एक जोक जो सदयोसे स्टूडेंट बोल रहे हे और आगे भी बोलेंगे: नेक्स्ट सेमिस्टर पूरी जान लगा के पढूंगा