Best Remedies for Teenage Acne Scars

Teenage years are the beginning of so many things. One of them is the pimple issues. If you see acne on your face it gives you stress. You are young and your priority is to look good, so when pimples show up they start to look hideous when the scars come from it. 

So how to get rid of the situation when you do not want to show up with scars on your face and it gets difficult when your friends see them. You can check cosmetic resolution, but the best will be to know the type of scars first then seek a doctor prescribed technique. 

Types of Pimple in Teenage

  • Severe acne: This causes painful, pus-filled cysts or lumps just under the skin. 

For this, the most serious scarring is caused by these severe forms of acne. However, this can get a resolution if you use, no scars facewash

  • Mild acne: This happens because of the whiteheads or blackheads that most of us get at some point. 
  • Moderate acne: In this type, you will get, red, inflamed pimples and red pimples with white centers on the skin. 

Treatment of Acne Scars

In several places, those reddish or brownish marks of acne that are left behind after pimples clear up and they also fade with no need for treatment. If you pick or squeeze acne, then it can increase the risk for scarring.

If the scar is serious and you are getting it from previous bouts with acne, there are several types of treatment can help you, and one of them is, best skin scar removal facewashand here are others:

Fractional laser therapy

If you want resolution for a deeper level solution from acne scars laser resurfacing or dermabrasion works like magic. This therapy doesn’t wound the top layer of tissue, and the healing time is shorter than the other. If you have had this type of treatment it may just look a bit sunburned for a couple of days.

Laser Resurfacing

To have this issue reduced, you have to take the appointment of a dermatologist. The laser removes the damaged top layer of the skin and tightens the middle layer, and it makes the skin smoother. The time duration can be an hour or a few minutes. The doctor will try to reduce the pain of any kind, and it’s done by numbing the skin with local anesthesia. It normally takes between 3 and 10 days for the skin to heal properly.


Look out for a special type of treatment which uses a rotating wire brush or spinning diamond instrument. As the skin starts to heal, a new and a smoother layer replaces the damaged skin. It may take a bit longer for your skin to heal using dermabrasion and it normally takes between 10 days and 3 weeks.

While you are in the healing process of the scars, you have to avoid the heavy makeup on your face. This may cause inflammation. 

If you want to get rid of red or brown coloured scars on the face, it will get dissolved with time, but it can also take a long time to heal, like, 12 months. F the acne marks are bothering you, you must consult a dermatologist. 

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