Bedroom is the essential room in our home. It is hardly seen by other people. Lovely interior designs of your bedroom creates a great impression to the viewer. It gives phenomenal feeling to you because it makes environment so good and likely to your mood. As we start moving towards a new home, our main focus is on our bedroom designing. One’s bedroom is personal heaven for itself where he/she can feel relax and do whatever wishes.
While decorating a bedroom, we must consider that bedroom furniture is also a vital part in beautiful bedroom decoration. Hence we need to learn how to arrange the objects and furniture according to the given space in room. We can categorize a bedroom design in major two styles that are Oriental and contemporary. Oriental style has a great emphasis on the beauty of nature. This kind of style majorly used in the rural houses. The oriental style of home designing contains huge pictures hanging on walls, statues and etc. These homes have lots of empty space which makes room lifeless. The decor and furniture in these kind of bedrooms usually makes the environment rustic because of large area. There is a high maintenance cost of the bedroom due to the large space area.
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The other style of bedroom decoration i.e contemporary style.This kind of bedroom design is used in urban area and specially in apartments. Luxurious bedroom interiors are full with functionality and efficiency.These two attributes can be achieved by using contemporary style of house designing.In this kind of bedroom designing space is not much and bed usually uses maximum available area.There is not a big amount of attention given to the appearance of the room.The bedroom is designed according to its main aim i.e sleeping and rest also it has our personal care habits.The maintenance and cleaning of the room is not high as compared to oriental style of designing.
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Before arranging the furniture in bedroom we must think about the background.Wall color should be according to our personal taste that we like most,and it must be according to the bed,windows as well as furniture and other objects. Cool bedroom designs have light wall colors and attractive furniture along with beautiful windows decor.Bedroom designing shouldn’t be taken as headache,after all its your bedroom.Here we have some collection of latest bedroom designs for you,we hope that you might like these designs.