2 Starter E-commerce Websites In The Pet Dog Niche For Sale On ExchangeMarketplace

If you’re looking for a new form of investment that keeps you fairly involved in the profit-making process, then you’ve probably considered at least once to buy starter websites. As opposed to starter businesses or franchises, these websites require little input but are still hands-on, and turn up a good profit for someone looking to conduct small-scale businesses through dropshipping.

However, knowing where to get started and where to buy starter websites can be a tricky place. ExchangeMarketplace is one of the places you can find a range of dropshipping businesses. Here are two of the most popular and up-for-grabs e-commerce websites on ExchangeMarketplace that have gotten quite the list of potential buyers. Both of these starter websites fall in the pet dog niche and cater to customers who own pet dogs.

  • Dog Leashes Store

Dog Leashes Store2

This idea, much like almost all ideas on Exchange Marketplace, was borne out of passion. The owner has a passion for dogs- especially the french bulldog kind. He started this business to earn a living by following his passion and this business provided him with the perfect opportunity and the confidence to do so.

The store is based in Russia, which sees a severe shortage in the dog products market and this store taps right into that niche. There’s everything from clothes to harnesses, and some interactive cool toys as well. The owner has more offline commitments and thus, this store with all its trending and fast-selling products are going up for sale at $310.

All the potential new owner needs is a passion for sales and marketing. You will have to understand your audience and also grow it using social media influencer marketing, along with facebook ads. You’ll also have to find the products for sale from two sources- Oberlo and Aliexpress. And finally, crafting the pictures and handling returns is something you should be ready for. It would be beneficial if you are into blogging.

With the $310 price tag you get the domain name and social media along with all branding assets and logos of the website.

2) Magic Pet Supply

Magic Pet Supply

This store provides high quality supplies and gadgets for dogs and other pets. As the owner is busy with his other businesses, he is unable to take time out for this website which is why he wants to sell it. The products on the website have a lot of potential and if you club it with good marketing, the business can scale up pretty quickly.

The expenses that are involved in running this store are $29 per month for the Shopify plan and you need to pay $0.83 per month for the domain. In terms of profits, the profit margin is 19% and the average revenue per month is $12. The total revenue of this store is $110 so far with average number of sales amounting to 5 on a monthly basis.

In order to run this online store, you need knowledge about Aliexpress and Oberlo so that you can successfully fulfil the orders placed by customers. You should be able to dedicate time to run Facebook and Instagram accounts daily and you need to post on a regular basis. You must be willing to spend time answering queries by customers on social media as well.

This store is up for sale at $300. You get the product photographs (available on the website and Instagram), social media subscribers, logo and branding assets (including custom logos), and the domain. Additionally, you receive suppliers list and personal support from the owner after sale. He will help you out by making sure you are able to make the most of the store that has high potential.

ExchangeMarketplace is a fantastic way to buy starter websites as the foundation work has already been done for you. That is the part that usually take the most time. Buying starter websites allows you to concentrate on growing the business rather than committing time to build it from scratch. If you are new, then buying a starter website can teach you a lot in terms of how to run a business successfully.

When you buy starter websites, you minimize the risk and you do not have to spend as much time on the testing aspect. These two factors have the tendency to be time-consuming. However, whether you choose to start from the beginning or you buy starter websites, you will be able to broaden your horizons and learn about how to run a business. When you choose Shopify’s ExchangeMarketplace, you know you are in safe han

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